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Homeless Young adults could get monthly stipends under new bill

Updated: Apr 17

Under a new bill proposed in the Minnesota House of Representatives, homeless adults ages 18 to 24 could receive a monthly stipend for two years.

The bill HF2008 aims to reduce the number of young adults who die homeless in St. Louis and Hennepin Counties. The bill was introduced to the House Human Services Policy Committee Monday.

“This bill is an opportunity to bolster our support for our underserved young community members,” Lifehouse Inc. Executive Director Jordan Eunison-Chisti said in testimony supporting the bill. “We will trust them and fully support them in their process.”

The bill appropriates $6 million over the 2024-25 biennium and another $6 million in the 20206-27 biennium. While exact amounts for the stipends are unknown, Kristy Snyder, director of Twin Cities Opportunity Youth Network at Youthprise, said that in Hennepin County, amounts are likely to be $1,000 for non-parents and non-foster youth, and $1,200 for fostered youth and parents.

HF 2008 was passed in the House Human Services Policy Committee and referred to the House Children and Families Finance and Policy Committee.

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